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INI File | 2006-09-13 | 5.0 KB | 159 lines |
- Description=Calculate mortgages
- ImageIndex=-1
- Folder=Mathematics
- ;<!-- Cut-N-Paste JavaScript from ISN Toolbox
- ; Copyright 1996, Infohiway, Inc. Restricted use is hereby
- ; granted (commercial and personal OK) so long as this code
- ; is not *directly* sold and the copyright notice is buried
- ; somewhere deep in your HTML document. A link to our site
- ; http://www.infohiway.com is always appreciated of course,
- ; but is absolutely and positively not necessary. ;-) -->
- ;<script language="JavaScript">
- ;<!--Hide JavaScript from Java-Impaired Browsers
- ;var irate, mi, cmi, years, tprinc, princ, paym, cpaym, osp,v,downp,downr,comp;
- ;function calcPaym(cdn){
- ; tprinc = round2d(parseFloat(document.smpc.tprinc.value));
- ; downp = .01*parseFloat(document.smpc.downp.value);
- ; downr = ceil2d(downp*tprinc);
- ; princ = tprinc-downr;
- ;
- ; document.smpc.princ.value = fmt2d(princ,0);
- ; document.smpc.downr.value = fmt2d(downr,0);
- ;
- ; if(cdn)comp="Canadian"; else comp="U.S";
- ; document.smpc.comp.value = comp;
- ;
- ; irate = .01*parseFloat(document.smpc.percent.value);
- ; years=parseFloat(document.smpc.years.value);
- ; term = parseFloat(document.smpc.term.value);
- ; if(term > years)term=years;
- ;
- ; if (term==0 || years==0||irate<.0001||princ<1)
- ; {alert("values must be numeric");}
- ; else
- ; {
- ; if(cdn)mi = Math.pow(1+ irate/2,1/6);
- ; else mi = 1+(irate/12);
- ; v = 1/mi;
- ; paym = ceil2d(princ*(mi-1)/(1-Math.pow(mi,-(years*12))));
- ; osp = (princ-(v*paym*(1-Math.pow(v,12*term)))/(1-v))/Math.pow(v,12*term);
- ; if(osp<0)osp = 0;
- ;
- ; document.smpc.paym.value=fmt2d(paym,0);
- ; document.smpc.owed.value = fmt2d(osp,0);
- ; }
- ;}
- ;function round2d(n){return(.01* Math.round(100*n));}
- ;function floor2d(n){return(.01* Math.floor(100*n));}
- ;function ceil2d(n){return(.01* Math.ceil(100*n));}
- ;// format number n as string width w with 2 decimal places
- ;function fmt2d(n,w)
- ;{
- ; var work,dp,sl,dl;
- ;
- ; work = ""+floor2d(n); // force only 2 decimals
- ; sl=work.length;
- ;
- ; if(-1 == (dp = work.indexOf(".")))work=work+".00";
- ; else if(3 > sl-dp)work = work+".00"+substring(sl-dp,3);
- ; sl = work.length;
- ; if(0 != w && w !=sl)
- ; if(w<sl){work = "*";for(sl=1;sl<w;sl++)work=work+"*";}
- ; else for(;sl<w;sl++)work=" "+work;
- ; return work;
- ;}
- ;//-->
- ;</SCRIPT>
- ;
- ;bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" onload="calcPaym(1)" link="#ff0000" vlink="#0000ff" alink="#000000"
- ; <h1>`Caption`</h1>
- ;
- ; <form name="smpc">
- ; <div align="center">
- ;
- ; <p align="left"><b>This calculator calculates U.S. and Canadian monthly
- ; mortgage payments based on principal, interest and term. U.S. mortgages
- ; are compounded monthly while Canadian mortgages are compounded
- ; semi-annually.</B></P>
- ; <table border="0" cellpadding="5" summary="">
- ; <tr>
- ; <td align="right">
- ;
- ; <p>Amortization(Years) = </p></td>
- ; <td><input type="text" name="years" value="25" size="3"></td>
- ; </tr>
- ; <tr>
- ; <td align="right">
- ;
- ; <p>Term (Years) = </p></td>
- ; <td><input type="text" name="term" value="5" size="3"></td>
- ; </tr>
- ; <tr>
- ; <td align="right">
- ;
- ; <p>Yearly Interest Rate (%) = </p></td>
- ; <td><input type="text" name="percent" value="7" size="6"></td>
- ; </tr>
- ; <tr>
- ; <td align="right">
- ;
- ; <p> Principal Amount ($) = </p></td>
- ; <td><input type="text" value="100000" name="tprinc" size="10"></td>
- ; </tr>
- ; <tr>
- ; <td align="right">
- ;
- ; <p> Downpayment (%) = </p></td>
- ; <td><input type="text" value="25" name="downp" size="10"></td>
- ; </tr>
- ; <tr>
- ; <td align="right"><input type="button" value="calculate payment (canadian)"
- ;onclick="calcPaym(1)"></td>
- ; <td><input type="button" value="Calculate Payment (U.S)"
- ;onclick="calcPaym(0)"></td>
- ; </tr>
- ; <tr>
- ; <td align="right">
- ;
- ; <p> Downpayment Required ($) =</p></td>
- ; <td><input type="text" name="downr" size="10"></td>
- ; </tr>
- ; <tr>
- ; <td align="right">
- ;
- ; <p> Mortgage Principal ($) =</p></td>
- ; <td><input type="text" name="princ" size="10"></td>
- ; </tr>
- ; <tr>
- ; <td align="right">
- ;
- ; <p>Monthly Payment ($) =</p></td>
- ; <td><input type="text" name="paym" size="10"><input type="text" name="comp"
- ;value="Canadian" size="10"></td>
- ; </tr>
- ; <tr>
- ; <td align="right">
- ;
- ; <p>Still Owing at End of Term ($) =</p></td>
- ; <td><input type="text" name="owed" size="10"></td>
- ; </tr>
- ; </table></div></form>
- [`Caption`]
- Kind=S
- Value=Mortgage Calculator using either the Canadian or U.S. Formula